


Legends and anecdotes from olden times
This journey is also suitable for children. During the tour you will hear stories of local legends and historical events.      
Duration: approximately 1 ½ hours

A special treat for Valentine’s day or simply a romantic tour with your loved one with roses and sparkling wine, „Rimus“ or any drink of your choice.
Duration: approximately 1 ½ hours

Wedding or Jubilee
A journey to the church in Tegerfelden for a wedding or a trip to any other special event. Decoration with flowers included.
Duration and tour as requested

Oak woods
This trip is an introduction to our beautiful oak woods. Did you sponsor an oak tree during the 900 year jubilee in Tegerfelden? If so, would you like to see how the tree has grown? Or would you simply like to enjoy and learn more about these lovely trees?

Duration: approimately 1 ½ hours


For wine connoisseurs

The vineyard trail

This journey takes you past five vineyards in Tegerfelden and partly follows the official regional wine trail. White wine and red wine with snacks are included.

The viticulure tour

A wine tasting experience with one of the wine growers in Tegerfelden and/or a visit to our viticulture museum is available for a group of at least 10 people.


Your personal tour 
If you have any special requests, I can tailor make a tour for you. Simply get in touch with me and it will be a pleasure to plan it with you.

Various combined tours
Wine degustation or a visit in our museum for viticulture 
For a group of at least 10 people a wine degustation with one of the wine growers in Tegerfelden or a visit  in our county museum for viticulture can be arranged.  

For food lovers 

The gastronomic tour

In our region there are several restaurants, which can be easily reached by carriage. if you wish, I can reserve a table for you in a restaurant of your choice from the list below:
In our region there are several restaurants, which can be get to easily with the carriage. If you wish, I can reserve a table for you.  
Wartegg, Tegerfelden: A traditional restaurant.
Löwen, Tegerfelden: Good middleclass cuisine.
De Finibus Terrae, Unterendingen: Comfortable restaurant with beer garden.